#MyFridge - The Mother of Two Who Always Stays Hydrated
Full Name: Sophie Huggard
Occupation: Mother of two
Location: Bedfordshire
Star Sign: Cancer
Age: 28
Skin Type or Concern: I have quite sensitive skin and still struggle to find products that work one hundred for me , different foods/drinks really make a difference to the state of my skin too.
Hey I'm Sophie, I'm a mother of two. I would still say I’m mainly a home keeper. Being a mother is my priority and takes up my whole time but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
My skin
Describe your skincare journey
I'm definitely still on my skincare journey but pretty much from the start of The Glowcery, I really invested in looking at the products I use and which are best for my skin. After being tried and tested on my skin The Glowcery products are definitely ones I’ve got right! There’s always little bumps in the road and I’m still trying to get it right so I can have that glowing skin, all year round. I got married this year and that has pushed me even more so to sort out the way I’m treating myself and the affects things have in my skin. I’m really trying to be very mindful of what I’m putting into my body as it seeps out of my pours! And I can really tell when I haven’t been eating right. I’m trying out a facial this month, but having sensitive skin really gives me caution as I struggle to decide what methods to go down, so I’m starting with a gentle deep facial and going from there.
Tell us about your current skincare routine
At the moment for my face I’m using Blue Dew Cleanser, Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser and Nivea Gentle Cream Wash then use Cerave Moisturising Cream , I use these products twice a day morning and night, I use the Blew Dew Cleanser to remove any makeup I’m wearing. In the mornings I then use Clean Greens facial oil followed by La Roche-Posay SPF. In the evenings I use Tomato Tonic facial oil instead. About 3 times a week I use Simple Kind to Skin Smoothing Facial Scrub. I also use face masks either weekly/fortnightly whenever I get the chance or remember to, my favourite to use are the MIJ face masks, they fit perfectly and are so moisturising. I switch between body creams at the moment depending on how my skin is reacting but use either Cocoa Cloud Whipped Body Butter or Nivea Express Hydration, I use these products morning and evenings again. And for my lips of course I use the Superfood Lip Duo – though I use sweet orange daily whenever I need and use coconut crumble three or four times a week. If I’ve ever not managed to get an order in time for sweet orange my fallback is Carmex Lip Balm.
What are your favourite skincare products?
I honestly have to say my favourite brand is definitely The Glowcery, I adore the Blue Dew Cleanser and have to say whenever I run out and haven’t purchased in time, I really see a difference in my skin, my skin just doesn’t feel has cleansed. As soon as I start using it again, I get those flawless results each time! I also really love Cocoa Cloud Whipped Body Butter, it’s so light and fluffy, it’s amazing. Smoothens my whole body and smells divine!
The complete truth is that The Glowcery has worked real magic on my skin and I will get around to trying ALL products as I’m sure I nearly have (Golden Nectar Nourishing Body Oil delivered today and cannot wait to try this out. Think it’s the last one left for me to actually try!) .. Anywho I can say hand on heart whatever The Glowcery releases I will always try as I know they are the best and I have so much faith in what The Glowcery does and produces that I don’t need to think twice, I know they got me 🙌
What's your favourite skincare tip?
For me personally having two or more cleansers has really helped and of course hydration, hydration, hydration!
Describe The Glowcery in 3 words
Magical, Glowing and Natural.
My selfcare
What does selfcare mean to you?
Honestly right now it’s non existent HOWEVER reading is extremely soothing to me and diving into a good book I just can’t put down is my idea of heaven, taking that time in peace and quiet is honestly the type of self care I need. Oh and a piping hot bath with a wine and Recharge candle burning, that really mellows me. It’s the need that I need.
How do you relax?
A nice hot bath, wine, candles with peace and quiet is a right vibe for me.
My life
Your favourite famous quote
“It is what it is” for all those things simply out of my control, it’s my rise above it motto.
My superpower is...
Juggling life - it’s not always possible and I definitely drop it now and then but somehow most days we get it done
My favourite fruit is...
Favourite fruit is probably Banana, very plain but it’s so versatile for so many things and always a great addition to a lot of things even healthier wise. My favourite veg is probably Broccoli again another great addition to everything and so versatile! The taste is also 10/10.
If we were to look in your fridge, what would we find?
It’s pretty dire right now as our food shop is due ha! But generally stocked up with milk and smoothies for the kiddies , stocked up on chicken for the other half and the veggies for me! Cucumber, broccoli, carrots, cheese and water will be there week in week out but others wise it changes weekly depending on our fancy!
What I’ve been loving this month
I’ve just started rewatching Greg’s Anatomy from season one and I’m glued to it at every free chance I get.
This year we actually got away to our wedding destination in Mallorca, that’s probably been my favourite place we’ve visited recently.
Keeping in theme we were in Mallorca for our wedding and the food was just amazing, the white wine and slow roasted Mallorcan lamb was lush.